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Understanding Defensiveness in the Domain Name Industry

  • 發佈時間:2010-07-14

  • 瀏覽次數:4390

  • Why are so many companies always in attack mode, and get defensive when criticized? It’s because they’re weak.

    In all my years in the domain name industry, I’ve discovered there are two distinct types of service providers.

    1. Get very defensive whenever someone critiques their product and spend much of their time criticizing their competition.

    2. Welcome all feedback and focus on improving their own products rather than criticizing the competition.

    Think about all of the companies and service providers you deal with in the industry: domain sales companies, parking companies, conference organizers, registrars, etc. Which ones spend more time trying to defend their company or bring down the competition as opposed to listening to their customers and improving their products?

    I think it’s rather telling. Usually it shows which companies are in a position of strength and which ones are in a position of weakness.

    One of the most refreshing attitudes I see is when companies say “we didn’t do well, and here are some ways we want to fix it.” For example, let’s say an auction house has a dismal auction. It can respond in one of two ways:

    1. “Yes, this was a poor performance. We think we’ve identified why, and we’re taking steps to improve it. We also welcome all feedback on how we can improve our auctions.”


    2. “It really wasn’t that bad. Keep in mind we sell more domains than anyone else. We are great.”

    Which company would you prefer to work with? I suspect the first one.

