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What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

  • 發佈時間:2011-12-23

  • 瀏覽次數:3871



    More  Information, Please  Click  www.eranet.com   www.tnet.hk


    With the use of virtualization software, physical servers can be partitioned into multiple ‘virtual’ servers where each virtual server looks and acts like an individual dedicated server. Virtual Servers can run their own operating systems which means that each system can be administered independently – including system re-boot.

    A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is one instance of a Virtual Server. It has its own operating system, applications and data which are all isolated from all other data that resides on the physical server. A Virtual Private Server can enable you to leverage the benefits of dedicated servers at a fraction of the cost.


    What are the benefits of using VPS?

    You can take advantage of the numerous benefits of VPS:

    • Increased Security
    • Improved reliability
    • Ease of use
    • Lower total cost of ownership

    The one benefit, however, that really stands out for Virtual Private Servers is ‘flexibility’. Given that VPS’s have their own

    operating environments, you can install you own operating system / version, you can add and remove software applications at will and you can modify you environment for optimum performance. A VPS allows you to customize your users’ experience which, in turn, can be used as a competitive advantage.





