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How Some Businesses Under-Utilize Virtual Private Server Technology.

  • 發佈時間:2011-12-22

  • 瀏覽次數:3763



    More Information, Please  Click  www.eranet.com


    VPS services are being touted as a revolution in IT, but some companies are less than enamored with virtual private server technology.

    While the steady growth of virtualization is unlikely to slow any time soon, many businesses are having trouble with the implementation and use of virtual servers. For the most part, this is due to a lack of planning; virtual servers are used to replace the functions of physical servers, often at a greater cost to the business. Virtual servers are subject to sprawl, in which resources are consumed by virtual servers that are installed but not regularly used or properly set up. The draw on resources can lead to greater processing needs, and can cause some businesses to buy more hardware. Obviously, buying any more hardware defeats much of the purpose of virtualization.

    Many businesses also fail to streamline the process of implementing a virtual server, as they rely on older procedures that were designed with physical servers in mind. This means that they are unable to take advantage of the swift nature of VPS installation. A flexible approach to virtualization is necessary for successful use of VPS technology.

    One way to avoid some of the major problems of virtual private servers is to find a good VPS hosting service, as VPS hosting can help to avoid problems in utilizing virtualization for both mission-critical and non-critical servers. IT departments should focus on cloud hosting and cloud VPS, especially in the case of small to medium-size businesses. They should carefully evaluate the resources drawn by both virtual and physical servers for a more successful approach to virtualization, as well as the company procedures that govern the installation and use of new virtual private servers.



