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Virtual hosted servers can alleviate data overload.

  • 發佈時間:2011-12-21

  • 瀏覽次數:3811




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    Businesses are experiencing an excessive intake of data that is pushing IT systems to their maximum capacity and creating server management and maintenance problems. These issues are exacerbated as many organizations have not kept their servers or control panels up-to-date in light of the recession and other economic challenges.

    One of the major ways to alleviate pressure on servers without incurring costs is by moving computing systems into a
    virtual server hosting environment, Processor reports.

    In a virtual server hosting environment, a third-party company will house the content usually placed on internal servers, freeing businesses from the expenses associated with obtaining, maintaining and powering internal servers.

    Virtual server environments also allow organizations to store more information on one physical server, maximizing the value of devices. This is achieved by splitting the physical device into multiple virtual ones, subsequently housing more than one server in the same physical space. Most web hosting data centers use virtual servers to house data.

    The use of virtualization is, in many cases, what makes virtual servers less expensive. Through shared or
    VPS server environments, hosting companies can place multiple tenants on one physical server, splitting costs between the organizations and creating a financially-efficient environment.








