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Going Public – Why This Cloud Will Matter.

  • 發佈時間:2011-12-21

  • 瀏覽次數:3773





    More  Information,  Please  Click  www.eranet.com


    Cloud technology is still largely in a place where it is being defined instead of being refined, and this can make many businesses leery to wander into the fray, especially if it involves the use of a “public cloud.” While many companies currently use not only SaaS but IaaS and even PaaS options in their total network package, many are very concerned about exactly what the public cloud will mean for them and for their business. Companies currently using VPS or other hosting options are, to some extent, treading into the private cloud universe. The public cloud is really no different except for a broader range of features and the fact that – that’s right – it’s public.

    That notion tends to scare off a number of companies that are rightfully concerned with things like security and the ability to restore data if it is lost. While the costs of cloud computing will supposedly be lower – there are no guarantees – and things like availability and scalability in the public cloud should far exceed those at a physical or even VPS level, items like security and overall functionality still need to be addressed.

    Even with issues to be dealt with, however, it is what the public cloud represents that solidifies its place as something that will matter. Access to a far broader range of resources than could be accessed in at a physical level or in a private cloud will give the public version the ability to take many IT projects off of the drawing board and put them into practice. In all likelihood, some of the best public cloud projects are those that haven’t yet been thought of but that will come with the evolution of the cloud.








