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New web hosting trends changing VPS hosting

  • 發佈時間:2011-12-21

  • 瀏覽次數:3838





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    The web hosting market has been evolving and, as a result, changing the VPS hosting and reseller VPS industries.

    A recent Web Hosting Search report highlights the latest web hosting trends that have impacted the industry this year. The report explains virtualization has emerged as "a mainstay in the web hosting industry." As a result, service providers are expected to continue to roll out new solutions that make it easier, and less expensive, for businesses to adopt VPS hosting.

    "It seems as if virtualization is now a mainstay in the web hosting industry, as many of the top 10 web hosting companies utilize it," according to the report. "However, there are still quite a few website hosting companies that have not yet integrated it. As more and more of them do, you can expect the cost of website hosting to continue to drop, particularly VPS hosting."

    Also, reseller VPS hosting has seen significant growth this year. As more businesses recover from the economic recession, the report anticipates even greater reseller VPS rates.

    "If the overall business climate could improve, then reseller hosting might shoot through the roof," the report predicts.

    Businesses are largely becoming attracted to the latest virtual server hosting developments. The report also forecasts substantial investments in virtual private servers, which will be redirected from funds currently invested in outdated technology





