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dotMobi’s device optimisation tool moves to the cloud

  • 發佈時間:2011-07-08

  • 瀏覽次數:4566

  • Dublin-based mobile web company dotMobi will move its DeviceAtlas service, which lets web developers optimise content for individual mobile phones, to the cloud.


    DeviceAtlas was initially created to improve the mobile web experience by identifying the user’s mobile device and optimising content for its display and capabilities.


    The upgrade now includes DeviceAtlas Cloud, eliminating the need to invest in infrastructure to deploy the device detection solution. Data updates are now managed by dotMobi and it does not require expertise in the service when deploying the mobile optimisation tool.


    "With the explosion of the mobile internet and a proliferation of different devices, companies need an even more affordable device detection solution that's quick and easy to implement,” said Ronan Cremin, vice-president of engineering of dotMobi.


    “A cloud version of DeviceAtlas was the natural result. Now, we're able to offer the best device detection solution on the market more cost effectively, allowing smaller designers, development shops and agencies access to state-of-the-art device detection."


    DeviceAtlas Cloud is available in either a standard or premium package, which depends on how many websites or applications a customer wishes to support.


    It comes with an analytics tool to provide data on device capabilities and a comparison tool to cross reference this information.


    source from Silicon Republic

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