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Olympics Committee Issues Social Media Guidelines For London 2012, Including Domains

  • 發佈時間:2011-06-29

  • 瀏覽次數:4156

  • There are not many organisations in the world that are as vociferous in their control of their trademarks as the International Olympic Committee. With the London Olympics scheduled for 2012, the IOC has issued social media guidelines for participants and other accredited persons.

    The guidelines also refer to domain names that include "the word 'Olympic' or 'Olympics' or any similar words related thereto (or any foreign language equivalents thereof) are not allowed unless approved by the IOC beforehand."

    The IOC gives the example of[myname]olympic.com which would not be permitted while [myname].com/olympic would be allowed, but only during the period of the Olympic Games during which these Guidelines are applicable. The guidelines also note that "participants and other accredited persons may not create stand-alone Olympic-themed websites, application or any other feature to host coverage of the Olympic Games."

    On social media such as Twitter and Facebook, the control continues. The guidelines state "the IOC encourages participants and other accredited persons to post comments on social media platforms or websites and tweet during the Olympic Games, and it is entirely acceptable for a participant or any other accredited person to do a personal posting, blog or tweet. However, any such postings, blogs or tweets should be in a first-person, diarytype format and should not be in the role of a journalist - i.e. they must not report on competition or comment on the activities of other participants or accredited persons, or disclose any information which is confidential or private in relation to any other person or organisation. A tweet is regarded in this respect as a short blog and the same guidelines are in effect, again, in first-person, diary-type format.

    "Postings, blogs and tweets should at all times conform to the Olympic spirit and fundamental principles of Olympism as contained in the Olympic Charter, be dignified and in good taste, and not contain vulgar or obscene words or images."

    sourse from domainews.com

    域名登記 域名 註冊中文域名 domain name 網頁寄存 網站寄存  虛擬主機  伺服器 web hosting 企業電郵 電郵服務 電郵寄存 付費電郵 公司電郵 企業郵箱 email hosting 伺服器IDC 租用託管伺服器

